Friday, March 30, 2018

The Real Boss Hogg

David, not J.D.

As mentioned previously, this was not a spontaneous protest against the Second Amendment that took place last week.  This was an Astroturf event funded by the usual socialist-globalist cartel.

Monday, March 26, 2018

From The WTF File

Here's one Pennsylvania school district that is full of brain-dead anal cavities.


Coming to South Africa?

Could be.

The horrific rule of the communist-dominated African National Congress has made the Apartheid Era look like the good old days.

More On The March For Lies

Are they America's "Hitler Youth?"

Maybe "Obama Youth" may be more like it.

Right now in Hades, old Adolf is laughing his head off.

Another excellent post from Tom DiLorenzo.

A Better Title Should Have Been.............

March for Lies.

This is nothing more than a protest coordinated by those who want to see an end of the civilian ownership of firearms.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Here's An Idea

Let private enterprise pay for the building and erecting of the statues.

Leave the State out of it.

Here's another well-written post about Dishonest Abe and the War Between the States.

Here's Another Persuasive Argument

For the arming of teachers-----and students.

Friday, March 23, 2018

You Might As Well Call It...........

Toys WERE Us.

Thanks again, Margaret Sanger and disciples.

Remember, Boys and Girls

Freedom of speech is anathema to the ChiComs.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Genocide, ANC Style

These communistic maggots who now control the South African government can be accurately described as Nazis in blackface.

The mis-rulers of that country are racists, plain and simple.

Right now, both Joe Stalin and Adolf Hitler are laughing their heads off in Hades.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018

And I Thought....

Chairman Mao was dead.

Hatred of Free Speech

What else can you expect from a pro-Sharia Law socialist?

And So.........

The war on the Second Amendment goes on---as is the war on the Fourth Amendment as well.

Certain types of politicians have had a long-standing disdain for the US Constitution.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Interesting Take On The Second Amendment..........

From Jacob Hornberger.

Warning From Julian Assange

Could dozens of ex-CIA and military operatives be running as Democrat candidates for Congress this year?

A joint socialist-Deep State takeover of the Democrat Party is potentially frightening.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cousin Adolf And Uncle Joe Would Be Proud

Today's colleges and universities have become Marxist (or is it Maoist?) brainwashing centers.

Here's a snippet:

What now passes for erudition in many liberal arts departments would not qualify as good scholarship using the proven tests of critical thinking. Worse, dissent is being shouted down, not debated. And many administrators support this trend making it, in effect, de facto campus policy.

This trend has all the hallmarks of societies that have gone totalitarian.

The first wave is always an assault on intellectuals and reason. Whether their shirts were black, brown, or red, academic dissent was shouted down, dissenters were persecuted, and reason was discarded. Many historians have chronicled the similarities of these movements: Friedrich von Hayek’s  Road To Serfdom; William Shirer’s Rise And Fall of the Third Reich; Sean McMeekin’s The Russian Revolution; Ayn Rand’s semi-autobiographical novel about the rise of the Bolsheviks in We The Living.

These totalitarian regimes were almost all collectivist whereby the government dictated the economy and eventually society in order to achieve goals they believed were just and noble. You can call them socialists, or communists, or fascists, but really, they all operated similarly. Today in America it is “social justice” which is just another word for coercive state control over the individual. But, as Friedrich von Hayek said, their desires outstrip their understanding: history has shown that this path will end in tragedy, not utopia.

These institutions are places where totalitarianism was born.

Another Warning From Hungary

Illegal immigrants have ruined the capital city of neighboring Austria.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Here's A Sensible Idea

Let teachers----------and students---------arm themselves.

History has shown that so-called "gun-free" zones don't work.

Saturday, March 3, 2018 Who's Really Funding It?

No wonder the "mainstream media" depends on it?

Looks like it's largely funded by the world's oldest living Nazi collaborator.

This site is closely identified on the war against conservative/pro-second amendment/Constitutionalist/Libertarian/Christian news sources.

Who Would Democrats Prefer In 2020?

Heluva note.

It could come down to King Barack's Veep, Crooked Hillary, and Red Bernie.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

From The WTF Department

The Democrat Party in California, already under the control of Bolsheviks, may be drifting toward Stalinism and/or Maoism.

Who'd think that the former Speaker of the House is now considered a "right-winger?"
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