Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Remember, Kids

There ain't nothin' good about the legacy of this sonofabitch.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Remember, Boys And Girls

American globalists put and kept Fidel in power in Cuba.

You'd Figure........

That Bernie would practice what he preaches.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Meanwhile In Hamlin------

I mean Baltimore, the rat situation has gotten so bad.

Demos Like Jerry Nadler.............

Are they slitting America's collective throat?


I'd like to see Oregon broken up with the Northwestern corner becoming its' own communist-controlled enclave while the rest of the state becoming Free Oregon----a constitutional republic that would have an averse reaction to that fraud called democracy.

The French Revolution

A model for the Bolsheviks' bloody takeover in Russia (and what might happen here).

Slapsy Maxie Robespierre was the Vladimir Lenin (or Mao Zedung) of his day.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

More Evidence

Socialism has failed once again.

Golly Gee Willikers!

I didn't know that Baltimore was part of Venezu----------I mean-------California.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Not Only Do Socialists Oppose Free Enterprise And Private Property

They detest families.

Sorry, Jonah

The America Firsters proved to be absolutely right.

We should never have even taken part in the First World War, which made the emergence of Russia's communists, Italy's fascists, and Germany's national socialists possible.

Remember The Misery That Took Place In Eastern Europe During The Communist Era?

Is this what Bernie and others of his ilk have in store for us?

The Terror That Followed The French Revolution

Is this what the American left has in store for us?

You'll probably have to copy the above address on your web browser.

You Think That Big Tech Is Acting Like The ChiComs

This is about as malodorous as what the tyrants in Beijing are doing to opposition voices.

Many of these corporations wanted Hillary to win the presidency soooooooooo badly back in '16 and are taking vengeful action against conservatives, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and America Firsters.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

More Woe......

For Mr. $15 Minimum Wage himself.

FDR Should Have Been Impeached.......

For goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.

There's no question that the New Deal failed to produce the full employment that it had promised.

I think the coalition of Republicans and conservative, mostly Southern, Democrats would have voted to impeach him in the House, and he could have been convicted in the Senate trial.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Another Strike Against Ilhan

She still refused to condemn Boshevist Antifa.

Is Impeachment Finally Dead?

Ol' Bobby Mueller didn't do the Democrats any favors on Wednesday.

Another Gist.......

For the President's Twitter account?

Bernie And His Demand For $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage

This is backfiring on the Senator from Vermont.

Nice Going, Bernie!

Apparently, his campaign employees' demand for what he has called for the rest of us has now backfired.

This a good argument for abolishing the minimum wage.

Say Hello....

To Britain's new Prime Minister.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ten Things You Should Know About Socialism | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

I know a few things, Tom.  It doesn't work, it takes taxpayers' money, it's globalist, it's totalitarian, and in its' mutant forms, it kills---------millions.

As I Have Mentioned Before

"Transexualism" is a medical and scientific fraud.  What else can you expect from a quasi-socialist state?

Right Now..........

Uncle Joe Stalin is laughing his head off in hades.

Hey, Beto!

Just who is responsible for inciting violence, you jerk.

Monday, July 22, 2019

So That's Why Alex Jones Was Banished By Big Tech

Frankly, I have for a long time smelled a rat about several major tech companies banning those whose politics may be to the right of Mao Zedong and/or Uncle Joe Stalin.

These companies are shoving their noses up the ChiComs' posterior sections.

Just Another Sign..........

Of Hollywood appeasing the bloodthirsty ChiComs?

Looks like it.

Bernie May Talk The Talk.......

Yet the junior US Senator from the Green Mountain State is having trouble walking the walk.


The not-so-golden state is becoming America's Venezuela----and Gavin Newsome is that state's Nicolas Maduro.

It IS a socialist-occupied state that is growing increasingly Stalinist and Maoist.

Another Persuasive Argument.......

Against illegal immigration.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

More Proof

American socialists want to Make America Another Venezuela.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Here We Go Again

Another attack on free speech brought to you by Google.

The Founding Fathers

Would be in total agreement.

Nice Going, Socialists!

The influx of illegal immigrants, the state's sanctuary status might help to bring the Bubonic Plague to California. 

50 Years Ago Today

Man landed and set foot on the Moon.

When man returns to the Moon, it could be private enterprise that could send us there.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bernie: Hypocrite?

Hmmmmmmmmmm, could be.

Many May Not Dare Say It

Many of those Democrats running for The Donald's job are in favor of doing away with our freedoms and independence.

Socialists are also internationalists, or to use the more provacative term, globalists.

More Evidence

Berkeley is a communist city.

More evidence that the so-called "Free Speech" movement of the 1960s was an utter fraud and lie.

What's next, forced dismemberment of male and female unmentionable body parts in the name of equality?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019

Dangers Associated...

With the totalirarian left in this country.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

As Far As I'm Concerned.........

The globalistic bastards are traitors.

They are all working for the abolition of our country and the permanent installment of world governement.

Perhaps they should be considered enemy combatants.

Traitor To This Country?

Sounds the hell like it.

This is all about turning the Democrat Party into the only major----and finally----only legal party in this country, plain and simple.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Rural Populace Being Moved To Major Cities At Gunpoint In Red China

Is this what Bernie, Kamala, AOC, and other Bolshevist scumbags have in store for us?

And maybe those subhuman communists who run Portland have in store for rural Oregonians as well?

Another Reason Why.........

The US MUST leave this corrupt organization due haste.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Ross Perot, Two-Time Candidate For President Who Opposed NAFTA, R.I.P.

Ross Perot, who twice ran for President (1992, 1996) and who spoke out against the North American Free Trade Agreement, passed away on Tuesday at age 89.

Labor Unions

Do they violate rights of employers and non-union employees?


Just What America Wanted

Another freedom-hating Bolshevik running for president.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Here Are Some Sound Reasons.......

Why socialism doesn't work and must fail.

And Then.........

There were, like, 257,998.

Alright, so it's now 24.

Here's More Evidence

Socialism does not work------------take Venezuela for instance.

More Evidence

Gun control doesn't work.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Kamala's Big Mouth

May have given the President another issue with which to score big-time points.

More Bad News

For the "mainstream" media.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

And I Thought Adolf Hitler Was Dead

What Google, Facebook, Twitter, et al is doing to conservatives, libertarians, opponents of some facets of the Nonheterosexual Mafia, Christians, and Patriots, from an electronic sense at least, is frightenly reminiscent of this:

See the source image

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Right Now In Hell

Scumbags from Maxie Robespierre to Karl Marx and his desciples are laughing their heads off.

Chalk Up Another One.......

For the Nonheterosexual Mafia.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Monday, July 1, 2019

Chuck And Nancy's Less Than Excellent Adventure

The socialistos amongst House Democrats aren't happy.


They're not only Bolshevist terrorists, they are enemy combatants.

It Doesn't Matter What Your Background Is.......

If your politics are to the right of Mao Zedung, you will still be attacked by these Bolsheviks.

The Rose City's mayor is, for all intents and purposes, a communist and an enemy of this country.
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