Sunday, September 29, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Greta The Stooge

And now she's being honored by the Church of Sweden.

This kid is a stooge for the Deep State and New World Order (as well as the corrupt, communist-founded UN).

No Billionaires, Eh Bernie?

What else can you expect from a commie?

The sonofabitch and others of his ilk wants everyone to be equally poor, oppressed-------------and dead.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Good Grief!

Now they're persecuting five-year-old boys.

Frankly, Folks........

The Department of Brainwash-----------I mean "Education"-----must be abolished at once!

So it's taking place in Great Britain, eh?

UN "Human Rights" vs. God-given Rights in US - Behind The Deep State

There are major differences between our Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution on one side, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the other.

Check out UN Declaration's Article 29.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


We must get out of the communist-founded, corrupt UN at once.

Show Me A "Democratic" Socialist...........

Then I'll show you a COMMUNIST! Period!

This Is What.........

Bernie, Kamala, Senator Pocahontas want for us.

That goes for AOC as well.

And remember, friends and neighbors, the DSA left the Socialist International two years ago because it was no longer anti-capitalist enough for their taste.

The UN's War On Mom And Dad

Here's more on Greta the Stooge.

What's Happening In Red China........

Is coming here------only Big Tech would be enforcing it.

I wonder how many, if any, of the Democrats running for president support it.

Score Another One.......

For the President.

Greta The Stooge

She's a tool of the New World Order.

Population Control

This is what this hysteria over something that is not a problem and that is natural is all about.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Heil Kamala!

Just another tyrannical dictator in the making.

More Evidence

Britain's Labour Party has turned increasingly communist.

More Evidence

These Bolsheviks are enemies of this country.

Brainwashing Kids

That's just one more royal road to total power for the Deep State.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Another Socialist

Bites the dust.

Just Another Socialist Tyrant Running As A Democrat

This fellow wants to end private automobile ownership.

Another Indictment......

Of Canada's failed (and socialistic) medical system.

Thanks again, Tommy Douglas.

What This SOB Wants To Do......

Is turn every American into a goddamned fucking vegan.

Ben Carson Has It Right

The so-called "Equality Act" will finish off women's sports in this country as well as finish off battered women's shelters.

"Transsexualism" is both a scientific and medical fraud.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Happy Constitution Day!

Today marks the 132nd anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution.

I Probably Am Not Surprised

Congressional Democrats working with Big Tech to silence those whose views they disagree with.

Monday, September 16, 2019

More Socialist Babble.........

From Beto's big mouth.

In essence, the son of a bitch wants to abolish private property.

In short, he's a communist, just like Bernie and Senator Pocahontas.

Thanks To Beto's Big Mouth....

One real aim of the Democrats (civilian firearm disarnament) was revealed in last week's debate in Houston.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Vote For One Of These Clowns.......

You may vote to become defenseless.


I'm very pleased to announce that on Thursday night I did not bother to watch or listen to the Bolshe-----Democrats' presidential debate.

And Beto's not the only one who wants your firearms.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


It's a scam desinged to control your wealth--------and you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Republic vs. Democracy

Here, once again, is that 1928 US War Department training manual on citizenship which shows the differences between a republic and a democracy.

It was soon after FDR took office that this manual was suppressed, then destroyed.

Mr. Roosevelt's administration would be infested with secret communist spies.

What Else Can You Expect......

From a newspaper that didn't bother to report on Uncle Joe's genocidal famine against Ukrainians?

Unlike Antifa........

The NRA is NOT, in any way, shape, or form, a terrorist organization.

What else can you expect from a communist-controlled city?

The city fathers there are trying to smash the free speech of those whose politics are to the right of Joe Stalin and Mao Zedung.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Robert Mugabe: No Liberator

That rotten sonofabitch was a communist tyrant who wrecked his country.

He was a piece of garbage; he went to join Nelson Mandela in Hell.

Ian Smith, who was prime minister when the country was called Rhodesia, was much more of a hero than that Commie piece of trash ever was.

For Those Who Have Said That Socialism Has Never Really Been Tried

Those folks are either badly mistaken---or they're contemptable liars.

Its' history is not the least bit good----------and there are those in this country who want it.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Christine Ford

Was she trying to protect so-called "legal" abortion?

Friday, September 6, 2019

Adolf Hitler: A COMMIE?!?!?

Looks like it, or at least a communist sympathizer.

If You Think FDR's Administration Wasn't Infested With Reds?

Guess again.

I think FDR knew.  Had he not kicked the bucket in April of 1945, he might have been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate for treason---certainly after Republicans regained control of Congress in 1946.

Dead Marxist Dictator: How Bad Was Rat Of Inflation In Zimbabwe?

It made the situation in Weimar Germany look good by comparison.

Good Riddance!

May this Marxist piece of garbage who wrecked his country rot in Hell where he belongs.

He certainly made the Ian Smith era look like the good old days.

This Is The Result

Of decades of one-party socialist misrule.

One Good Thing

The seven-hour infomercial for socialism, world government, and racist genocide was a ratings flop.

Socialist Realities

Another excellent post.

Seven Hours.......

Of socialist blather and bullshit.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

World War II: Who Really Did Win And Lose It?

Fascinating op-ed by Pat Buchanan.


Have at least some of them turned socialist?

Youth Pledge To UN To Become Green Citizens

Kids are pledging their allegiance to an organization that has been corrupt from the beginning---co-founded by, amongst others, the treasonous Soviet spy and convicted perjurer Alger Hiss.

Youngsters are being used (and weaponized) to destroy free markets, private property, national independence, and free minds.


A racist?!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


This, more than anything else, is why the Bolshe----I mean----Democrats support open borders.

Any Bets........

That this is coming here, as if it hasn't arrived yet?

More Evidence..........

That socialized medicine doesn't work.

Let's Be Thankful......

This candidate ain't got a prayer of winning the Democrats' presidential nomination.
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