Friday, June 28, 2019

100 Years Ago Today

The treaty that set the stage for the rise of Adolf Hitler and his German National Socialists---and for the onset of World War II was signed.

The US Senate wisely said no to both the treaty and President Woodrow Wilson's beloved League of Nations.

I Am Happy To Report

That I, wisely, elected not to watch Thursday's second act of the Communis----I mean----Democrat's presidential debate either.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Justin Raimondo, Editor Of Anti-War Website, R.I.P.

Justin Raimondo, the longtime editor of has passed away at age 67.

Looks Like

James O'Keefe was right again.

Perhaps A Growing Number Of Young Adults.....

Have had enough of the Nonheterosexual Mafia.

Not Very Smart, Comrade Bill

You know, Miami still has a sizable Cuban population and they don't appreciate what you've said.

Who Won Wednesday's Opening Debate?

Would it be a stretch if I mention that the winner was Donald Trump?

I Am Happy To Report

That I did not watch the first of two Communist----I mean-----Democrat Party presidetial debates on Wednesday.

In 2016, it was Mensheviks vs. Bolsheviks; now it's Leninists, Trotskyites, Stalinists, and Maoists on display.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Actually, Tucker..........

A free-market approach is a more ideal answer to Big Tech's censorship of conservative, libertarian, Constitutionalist voices, like setting up rival alternatives to the YouTubes, Twitters, Facebooks, et al.

Just What Is This "Privacy Claim By A 'Third Party?'"

Apparently, that video from Project Veritas struck a raw nerve with someone at Alphabet (Google's parent company).

Remember, boys and girls, Google owns YouTube.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Modern Monetary Theory

That helped led to the collapse of Ancient Rome----and it could finish off this country.

Some folks---like AOC---never learn.

Did Big Tech.......

Help Democrats steal the House of Representives last year?


They're not only terrorists, they're also communists and enemies of this country.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Bernie and Senator Pocahontas.......

Want to screw taxpayers in more ways than one.

My plan is to abolish the Department of Communist Propa----I mean Education.

Oregon Senate Republicans........

Are actually doing their job by making sure that the Watermelons don't get their way on so-called "climate change" legislation.

I'd give them credit.   It may have been drastic but their hearts---and heads----are in the right place.

One sensible solution is to break up the state of Oregon into two states, the Bolshevik-infested I-5 corridor from Portland to Eugene west to the Coast as one state, the rest of it becoming Free Oregon.

And Now.........

Here's still another danger to our freedoms and liberties---and our independence-----as this party sees a bright future with people more or less of their ilk emerging.

Here's Another Good Political Cartoon

Score Another One

For Project Veritas!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Remember, Kids

In the eyes of Democrats, wars waged by Democrat presidents are good, those waged by Republicans are bad.

It also works vice-a-versa.

Nevertheless, only Congress can legally declare war.

When people like the late Senator Bob Taft or Ron Paul (or his son Rand) talk about this subject, they were and are sincere---and right.

When Nancy talks about this, it sounds phony and empty------and it is.

Friday, June 21, 2019

A Revisionist Reading List..........

Concerning the "Great War."

Remember Folks

The "National Vote Plan," which is a backdoor attempt to abolish the Electoral College, is illegal under Article I, Section X of the US Constitution.

This is being done without the required prior consent of Congress.

Thanks A Lot, King Barack

Remember that Mr. Obama, during his second term, allowed a flood of Muslims to enter this country.


Did Mr. Carlson avert a war with Iran?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dustbin Of History?

If this happens it will mean generations (perhaps centuries) of bloodthirsty socialst misrule.

It could be worse than Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia.

Not to mention a one-way ticked to a UN-run world government.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

General George Patton

Was he assassinated on orders from a communist-infested US Government?


Not only do these maggots want world government, they want socialism here as well.

They despise the Founding Fathers as well.

More Evidence

California is dying, if not dead already.

Good Luck To The President

It's easier said than done.  Still, the sooner this is done, the better.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

In Florida

You won't have to worry about "sanctuary cities."

Happy 804th Birthday

To the Magna Carta.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Here's more propaganda in support of the Nonheterosexual Mafia.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Aw Heck!

Let's just let California leave the Union and become an independent (albeit) socialistic state.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

The Horrors Of Chairman Mao's China

Is this what Bernie and others of his ilk have in store for us?

Thursday, June 6, 2019

On This 75th Anniversary Of D-Day

Here's a revisionist reading list concerning the "Good War."

Commies Aren't The Only Ones......

Who endorse abolishing private property.

Watch Live: D-Day: Is The US Turning Into 1935 Germany?

If it's so, it's not because of the current President.  It may well be because of big tech.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Par For The Course

More censorship from Twitter of people they don't happen to like.

Monday, June 3, 2019

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