Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Another Sign.......

That Western Civilization is dying?

More Bad News........

For the Soviet Proletarian Lying Communists.

Here's Something That King Barack.......

Likely would not have done during his presidency.

A good move by President Trump.

Anal Cavity

These maggots are no better than 21st Century Bolsheviks.

Frankly, I would like to apologize.

To the nice maggots, that is.

New York State's Attorney General

She's just another communist out to persecute the President.

Jeffersonianism vs. Hamiltonism

Just what's the difference?

Nicolas MADuro

End of the line?

If You Want To Employed In A College Or University

Unconditionally embrased communism--or else.

They have become Maoist bastions.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Looks Like

Communistic versions of loyalty oaths.

Joe Biden

Not socialist or anti-capitalist enough for some democrats---like AOC?

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019

What Else Can You Expect......

From a plagerist?

Anita Dunn

Not only has Creepy Uncle Joe hired her, a former Obama Administration adviser who was "Damage Control" adviser for Harvey Weinstein........

He's hired an admirer of the world's biggest mass murderer.

For Some In South Africa

The Apartheid Era looks more and more like the good old days.

Another Reason Why

Bill De Blasio sucks.

He's a communist tyrant who is now trying to force every New Yorker to become a vegan.

That's No Memphis Man.......

He's just another illegal alien, who had been deported five times.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Show Me A "Democratic Socialist"

Then, I'll show you a commie, period!

More Evidence.......

That the socialist-infected Democrats have grown worse and worse.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Is Julian Assange A Journalist?

Heck yes he is.

Nevertheless, it shouldn't matter whether Mr. Assange is a journalist.

This Is What Happens

When you have major West Coast cities having been misrun for decades by socialists.

Cousin Adolf and Uncle Joe Would Be Proud.........

Of this candidate for the Communist---I mean---Democrat presidential nomination.

This guy hasn't a chance of winning the nomination.  Nevertheless, this guy, if he gets his way, would seek to end civilian firearm ownership once and for all, Second Amendment or no Second Amendment.

What else can you say about a congressman from Communist-occupied California?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

This Is Why She Should Be Referred To........

Josephine Stalin.  Enough said.

When You Have Illegal Maleducated Immigrants Come Here.....

Voila, you have instant Democrats.

Uncle Joe Becoming More Popular In Russia

I just wonder just how popular the late bloodthirsty tyrant is becoming, at least amongst Democrats, in this country.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Homelessness In Major West Coast Cities

What else can you expect in cities that are under the complete control of socialists?

Establishment RINO

No shot at winning the GOP nomination next year.

Monday, April 15, 2019

New Brexit Party

And again, British patriot Nigel Farage is leading the way.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Another Important Reason Why.........

The so-called "Equality Act" is horrific legislation.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


One of the worst periods in American history.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Not Only Does Planned Parenthood Loves Abortions

They also love to censor anything that is contrary to its' bloodthirsty worldview.

At Last

Someone who knocked a MAGA hat off a supporter of the President gets his comuppins.

The dame even called him "Nazi Scum," even though the gentleman happed to be Jewish.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


This long-time CNN veteran has no use for free speech.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Democratic Socialism......

Is just another term for communism.

The DSA left the Socialist International a couple of years ago because the SI was too moderate!

Here's An Even Better Idea....

End ALL foreign aid.  It's unconstitutional.

Jeff Merkley

He's a socialist and a threat to our constitutional republic.

He also sucks.

I'm sorry to say he's the junior US Senator from my home state as well.
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