Friday, November 29, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lowering The Voting Age To 16

A very bad idea that I think would be used as a power grab by socialist-oriented Democrats.

That's right, sports fans!  Kids that are being brainwashed in the communist (and globalist) indoctrination centers known as Government Schools.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

More Evidence

Senator Pocahontas speak with forked tongue.

Chilean Conference of Catholic Bishops

Have elected to slit their own throats.

St. Pete

Is he trying to co-opt religion-----al a now-deceased German Fuhrer?

Just Why Is Today's Left........

Hellbent on destroying human civilization?

Here's More Evidence

The establishment control of education is causing the collapse of society.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Involitary Servitude

Here stuff about Mayor Pete's approach.

Senator Pocahontas

She is NO fan of the Constitution.

Impeachment Trial

It could be a nightmare.

For Democrats.

JFK's Assassination

Was it indeed a coup d'etat conducted by LBJ and the National Security State?

In short, a murder carried out by the Deep State---which is now trying to force Donald Trump from office.

A Victory For The President

The California Supreme Court unanimously struck down a state law that would have required President Trump to reveal his tax-return records for public consumption.


If Only The Donald Told This To Prince Andrew:

You're FIRED!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Federal Reserve.........

Must be abolished!

Freedom Also Means.........

The right to discriminate.

These so-called "Human Rights Commissions" are socialist in nature.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mayor Pete

The Democrats' new Flavor of the Month?

I'll make sure to miss the Wednesday night infomercial for socialism.

Another Capitulation.........

To the Nonheterosexual Mafia.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rebecca Friedrichs on the Progressive Plan to Use Public Schools to Repl...

Another reason why the Democrats have evolved into a totalitarian, freedom-hating party.  Just call them the New Communist Party!

They have become no better than the Nazis or Soviet and Chinese Reds.

Those who vote Democrat are slitting their throats (and ours).

They want kids to be turned into zombiefied globally-minded socialists.


Merely An Attempt By Californians......

To gut the Electoral College.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Friday, November 15, 2019

Paul Krugman's Hero

On Eugenics, Race, and Population Control.

Of Course, It's An Attempted Coup

They never accepted the fact that The Donald, and not Beijing Stooge Hillary is in the White House.

They're long-term goal is to make themselves the only major---and ultimately, legal-----political pary in this country.

They've got their marching orders from Nazi collaborator George Soros, the corrupt (and commie-co-founded) UN, and the ChiComs.

Uncle Joe Stalin would be proud of them.

Mr. President.......

As I have mentioned before, please pardon Roger Stone.

Personally, I'd Rather Starve......

Than eat bugs.

What else can you expect from a globalist magazine.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Not Just The Japanese-Americans

Here's the story of US oppression during "The Good War."

How To Inoculate Our Kids

Against socialism.

This Is VERY Dangerous

What happended recently is nothing more than another socialist attack on the US Constitution.

There MUST not be an Article V convention!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Yet Another......

This one hasn't a prayer of winning his party's presidential nomination.

Historic Roots?!

Is that where AOC is pushing the Democrats?

Is this why Mike Bloomberg (and possibly Eric Holder and Crooked Hillary) are joining the presidential race?

More On.........

The "Climate Change" fraud.

Wise Decision By The Danes

If only we closed out southern border here in the States.

Mainstream Networks...

Were they complicit in hiding the Jeffrey Epstein scandal?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Senator Pocahontas

Is she Joe Stalin (Mao Zedung or Pol Pot) with in drag?

Is There A Chance........

That the Web can be won back from Big Tech?

Friday, November 8, 2019


Socialism's first conquest in the South?

TV's Ratings System

It looks like it's become increasingly worthless and feckless.

Just As The Democrats' Race For The White House Seemed To Be Shaking Down To A Manageable Level........

There may be more entrants coming.

Neither is named Hillary.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Should The President Be Removed From Office........

Bad, bad things could very well happen.

This could lead to a civil war that could be much bloodier------and deadlier-----------than the War Between the States-----it could even set the stage for World War III.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

More Evidence Against Socialism

Take a look at one African country after another.

Another Reason Why........

This country should never have abandoned our longtime allies on Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with these mass-murdering communists.

Thanks again, Jimmy Carter.

With California's ongoing attacks on religious freedom in the name of "equality" (re: socialist totalitarianism), will the formerly "Golden State" embrace this sickening idea?

Thanks Again Woodrow Wilson And Original Progressives.......

For nothing!

Friday, November 1, 2019

End Of The Line............

For Beto.

Kamala may well be next.

An Educated Population....

Is very dangerous to globalism and statism.

Of course, the kids are being dumbed down intentionally, on purpose, for spite, as part of aim to create a socialist, globalist society.

The DOE MUST be abolished due haste!

Emeffing Totalitarians

They despise freedom.

If Senator Pocahontas Isn't A Socialist.........

Then who the hell is?

Good Move By The President

At least Florida is not riddled by socialist policies.

Franlky, the President escaped from the socialist-occupied Empire State.
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