Thursday, July 31, 2008

Heil Amerika Korps!!!

Are those who are pushing mandatory state-enforced SLAVERY going to make the intended victims vear brown shirts?

Becoming a slave for Massa McMussolini und Massa HitlerObama vould be so vunderbar.

Contemporary advocates of National Service, whether they admit it or not, seek to install coercion -- not commerce or contract -- as the organizing principle of the economy. They likewise seek to indoctrinate young Americans in the idea that human needs are best met through social regimentation administered by a supervisory elite. And behind the conceit expressed in the common refrain that National Service teaches a person to serve something "larger than himself" looms the murderous assumption that the individual exists to serve the pleasure of the State.

All of this explains why modern collectivists, from the Jacobins to the Bolsheviks to their disavowed but unmistakable kindred, the Fascists and National Socialists, have made compulsory universal "service" a central pillar of their totalitarian platforms.

It is conscription and it is morally repugnant and unconstitional.

To freedom loving people----RESIST!

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