Monday, November 2, 2020

Is This What The Bolsheviks Have In Store For Us?

 Regardless of what happens Tuesday?

Here's a tidbit:

BLM is neither the mastermind nor the originator of America’s plight. BLM is merely the militant wing of America’s Marxist movement, which is the primal originator of the present strife. Violent groups such as BLM and Antifa emerge into prominence when problems and contradictions in a society reach a critical point and the overthrow of the existing system becomes a realistic possibility. It is at this stage that the militants come to the fore and try to foment the maximum disarray possible. If they succeed in creating enough havoc, Marxist politicians who have infiltrated the government attempt a coup. If the system is sufficiently discomposed, the coup has a good chance of succeeding.

Here's another:

The new socialist regime will move quickly to enforce morality. Up until now the Marxists have used sexual dissolution as a means of unravelling America’s moral fabric. They truly have done an excellent job. But it will have to stop at once when they are in charge. It is our prediction that a new government agency will be set up to deal with this matter. It will be called something along the lines of “The Department for Elimination of Sexual Degeneracy from the Socialist States of Amerika.” If the history of other socialist regimes is any guide, transexuals will be packed off into labor camps and open homosexuals will be given the option of changing their ways or be subjected to surgical removal of their reproductive organs.

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